Monday, February 20, 2012

Civil Service Income Tax Will Likely Government-Borne

Income tax of civil servant to a certain value will be borne by the Government. It aims to
drive economic growth through strengthening of the community consumption. This is backed by the weakening of economic growth in the world, including Indonesia.

It was delivered by the Direktur Potensi Kepatuhan dan Penerimaan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Potential Compliance and Acceptance Director of the Director General of Tax), Amri Zaman answered questions of journalists in Jakarta, Monday (20/2/2012).

Currently, Amri continued, Director General of Tax is still reviewing about the scheme. The scheme was intended to be proposed to the Komisi XI and Badan Anggaran Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (Budget Departement of House of Representatives) beginning in early of this March.

One of the related thing if these assesments approved is the rise of non-taxed income. "This is all still in the assesment. This is about  chain effect," said Amri.

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