Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's Not A Smoke

Dense fog that covered the Pekanbaru, Wednesday (18/1/2012) this morning, not because of forest fires and land as usual case. This time purely caused by water vapor in the air becaure concentrated cold temperatures at night.

"Not smoke but vapored water fog. Last night, temperatures are cold enough for Pekanbaru, 21.5 degrees Celsius. The cooler conditions were supported by the rain which fell on Tuesday afternoon. On the morning of this day, the fog was so thick for visibility at about 8.00 am still revolves around 100 metres, "said Ardhitama, an analysis staff  of Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (Climatology Geophysics and Meteorology Agency) Pekanbaru who contacted this morning.

Ardhitama says, it's also not a mist of transition markers rainy season to summer. At this point, Riau in general are still at the rainy season, although in the last few days tend to be hot due to disruption of regional conditions.
"The rainy season is still progressing until April. In General, some areas in Riau will experience mild rain on Wednesday," said Ardhitama.

About the fog condition, added Ardhitama, it's a typical phenomenon in Pekanbaru or Riau territory. However, the fog will disappear by itself at 9.00 am. "My experience, this fog will bring up a bright sunny day" he added

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