Friday, March 9, 2012

Take a Walk in Gianyar, Bali Statues Until Rice Terraces

Tourism became an economic powerhouse of Gianyar regency, Bali. In 2010 regional income reached Rp 210 billion, the 70 percents comes from tourism. If
you are interesting to travel in Gianyar, there are five tourist zones in the county. In administration, Gianyar has 7 subdistricts.
"I do not see the limits of the administration but the regional character," says regent of Gianyar, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati recently.

In the south of Gianyar, located a traditional market Sukawati as an art trading center. This area is also the entrance to the tourist direction of Denpasar. Assorted clothing typical of Bali, Bali statues, carvings until paintings you can get it here. It's planned that the art market will be relocated, but the market itself retained a traditional market.

Meanwhile in the northern part of Gianyar retained as an agriculture conservation. This area focusing on agro tourism. Moreover, farming in Bali has an uniqueness, named subak system. In the north there are sights Tegalalang. Here tourists can see the terraced field.

While the western part of Gianyar is a zone of Tampaksiring and Goa Blahbatuh as the ancient conservation. Here there are ancient remains such as mountain Kawi and Goa Gajah. Fans of historical tourism obliged to come there. In fact, the local government maintains a submission to UNESCO to establish the area as a world heritage.

In the east of the district is the capital, according to Tjokorda there surfing spot which known as the only one night surfing location in Bali. Suitable for you, the fans of nautical tourism. The name is Keramas Golden Beach. The advantages of surfing in this beach is no weather influence. Surfers can doing good surfing activity during the day or night.

In the central part of Gianyar is Ubud, a right place for the fans of cultural tourism. According to Tjokorda, Ubud developed as a tourism area since the 1930's. In here, tourists can follow and see various typical cultural activities of Bali.

One of them is the process of pelebon the royal family. The uniqueness of the cremation processes which are still heridetary, like the use of a coffin with its height reaching five meters. According to Tjokorda, this was not solely due to the economic factor that indeed possible, but support from the local community.
"Even though the stronng economy but not supported by the community, will not be able to. For example just to move the five meters coffin need a strong mutual cooperation. The entire ceremony needs cooperation," explains Tjokorda.

Ubud also has six museum, which make the it as the county with largest museum in Gianyar. Recently Ubud has a Museum,  Marketing 3.0 which is the world's first museum of marketing.

In addition, you can make an elephant tour in Gianyar. Tjokorda admitted Gianyar could referred as counties with the largest number of elephant. There are 58 elephants in Gianyar. You can look and play with them in Gianyar Bali, they are, Zoo Park, Bali Safari and Marine Park, and Taro Elephant.

Sporting fun activities and adrenaline trigger can also find in Gianyar. Starting from rafting in Ayung River, trekking, cycling and relaxing on the shores to rice fields.

"In Gianyar also located the biggest stadium in Bali. We will also build a convention in Gianyar. And Taman Nusa too," says Tjokorda.

In Taman Nusa, 60 traditional houses of Indonesia will be put in this place. These traditional houses of not only typical of Bali, but rather from around Indonesia like typical houses typical in Batak and Toraja.

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