Monday, May 14, 2012

The Tunable Sound of Nature Music in Gua Tabuhan

The swashing waves and birdsongs are typical music of nature. But in Gua Tabuhan you will hear
a traditional Javanese gamelan music from stalactites and stalagmites which are played by local artists.

If you being in Pacitan, East Java, spare a time to visit Gua Tabuhan as your destination. Its located in Dusun Tabuhan, Wereng village, sub-district Punung, Pacitan and the distance about 40 km from Pacitan.

The name Tabuhan came from the Javanese word 'tabuh'' which means sounding a percussion instrument. This place are crowded by tourists, because its magic nature which attract the curiousity of tourist.

When you arrived in Gua Tabuhan, you should pass several tens of stairs and entering a big cave hole. Before you get into it, its better to read a map and history of this cave, you can read them infront of the cave. You can also ask or hire a guide

Dark, slippery and humid surelyl will accompanying you as you entering it. The stalactites and stalagmites garnishing inside the cave of Tabuhan. The path is pretty slippery, so becareful of it. But dont worry, there also some enouhgh lights which are installed inside the cave.

Walk deeper, you will see the miracle of Gua Tabuhan. You will watch the artists playing Janvanese gamelan music. Not with the ordinary instrument such as drum or the others, but by beating and playing the stalagmites and stalagmites. Its magic.

The artists playing them solemnly, just like the playing real gamelan instruments. The typical rhytm of Javanese gamelan will make you admired.

By paying for Rp. 100.000, you can enjoy the music. The artists will playing 6 songs, you can capture those unique moments with your camera or video recorder.

source :

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