Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Clean Toilet Increase Tourist's Visit

Clean public toilet, especially inside the artificial recreation park in this year will be rewarded by
 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as one of efforts to jack up the interest of tourists.

"Award of Sapta Pesona Toilet Umum Bersih in Taman Rekreasi Buatan (Artificial Recreation Park) 2012 intended to give apreciation and increasing the motivation of recreation park's management," said Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata (General Director of Tourism Expansion), Firmansyah Rahim in a press conference in Sapta Pesona building Jakarta, Monday (23/07/2012).

According to Firmansyah, in order to realize tourism awareness and applying the elements of Sapta Pesona : safety, discipline, clean, breeze, beauty, friendly and keepsake.

Firmansyah said that the award giving also intended to increase the image of tourism destination and product/ service quality of toilet management in artificial recreation park as the reflection of Indonesia's national identity.

The giving of the award to clean toilet is the continuation from the award of public toilet in airport, museum and zoo that has been implemented from 2007.

"The jurying activity of Sapta Pesona Toilet Umum Bersih in Taman Rekreasi Buatan 2012 starts from may 14, to September 9, 2012 in 16 provinces with 62 artificial recreation parks." Said Firmansyah. it coincides with International Tourism Day.

A number of juries for this award, consists from Naning S. Adiwoso and Eni Budiarjo  (from Asosiasi Toilet Indonesia/ Indonesia's Toilet Association), Sudaryatmo (Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia/ Foundation of Indonesian Consumer Institute). In addition to them, there are also Gunawan Wibisono (Perhimpunan Usaha Taman Rekreasi/ Association of Recreation Park Business), Hasanuddin Harahap (Asosiasi Pengusaha Hiburan Indonesia/ Association of Indonesian Entertainment Entrepreneur), Hawwid Raden (Gabungan Industri Pariwisata Indonnesia/ Association of Indonesia's Tourism Industries), Hilda Sabri (Media Bisnis Indonesia), Nani Sumaryanti and Titiek Ediati (Indonesia's Toilet Observer).

With this award giving, Firmansyah hoped it can motivate society to care more to the public toilet.

source : http://travel.kompas.com/read/2012/07/23/22260423/

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