Monday, December 10, 2012

Regional Government of Kutai Kartanegara Will Hold A Rock Concert

Kukar Rockin Fest 2012, last November
The success of Sepultura live concert on last 9th November, made the regional government of Kutai Kartanegara intend to hold a concert again (in this region) for world's top bands. Just like Sepultura which didnt use local funds, and so for the next music concert.

Head of Public Relations and Protocol of Regional Government of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Dafip Haryanto said, tourism agenda could related with music concert, its great enough. The last Sepultura concert is a part of 23rd anniversary  celebration of Tenggarong, Kukar.

The concert entitled Kukar RockinFest which held in Aji Imbut stadium, Tenggarong were not charge ticket fee at all! Because its fund came from personal budget of Kutai Kartanegara's Chief, Rita Widyasari and the sponsors. It reached 11.000 audiences and this was the first international rock metal concert in Kalimantan.

"The concert indeed didn't use local funds, but from the sponsor. Also for the tourism agenda, partially came from local funds, though we still coupling another sponsors for this (tourism agenda)." Said Dafip today. 

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