Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beware of The Exortion in Airport

Airport is a place which troubled with exortions. Usually happened to the new travellers, one of the most happening modus is unofficial taxi. Beware of it.

These peoples usually come near to their victim, then offering a ride. They will take the victim by unofficial taxi.

The worse, this kind of taxi not using taximeter, but they charge straight to the cost you should pay. Unsparingly, the price reaches hundred-thousand rupiah, manifolds from normal metered price. Besides of that, there some people utilize their own car (privat car) to rent as taxi. This taxi put the price first, but you never know what will happen next on the way.


"This unofficial taxi usually offers their service to the passengers who just arrived in the airport." said the Corporate Secretary Angkasa Pura II, Trisno Heryadi to detikTravel, Wednesday (2/13/2013).

"The airport entirely not recommend to the passenger to use their service. Just find the official taxi in the booth with the officers," added Trisno.

Today, Police cooperating with Angkasa Pura and the airlines to prevent this cheat trial. For the example is applying some banners.

"From this January to February there is no complain. But we'll keep prevent this," said Police Commissioner of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, CH Pattopoi.

Every passenger experienced this can report straight to the airport officers, then will guided to the local police station. In this step, the victim (of exortion) will be interviewed to make dossier file. Next, it will synchronize with CCTV recordings, then continued with arresting the person.

source : http://travel.detik.com/read/2013/02/14/194755/2170506/1383/waspada-kasus-pemerasan-di-bandara

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