Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sickness In Your Vacation? These Are The Tips :)

Nobody accepts to suffer an sickness when enjoying vacation. But if it have to, there are 4 tips regarding to it. Getting sick when vacation is a big disturbance, but indeed this is an anytime risk.

detikTravel, composed 4 tips to face the sickness when you are travelling :

1. You have an insurance? Be thankful.
If you have health insurance, be thankful. Getting sick when travelling surely costing you for medicare and clinic or hospital budget. With insurance there nothing to be worried. If you going abroad, travel insurance could be your additional option.

2. Always preparing emergency medicares.
Emergency kit and medicares to anticipate the sudden sickness. Everyone must be have their own brand od medicine which suit with their own body and condition. For whom fragile to usual fever, bring the fever pills.

3. Prepare some alternative destination plan.
If you getting sick, travelling agenda surely will be messed up. Prepare the plan B. Secondary destination can be cancelled. Focus on the main agenda. If there indeed too hard to reach it, so cancel it. Try to find another spots which are fit to your physic condition.

4. Health is more important, don't force yourself.
If the tips no 1 to 3 done, and your agenda can't be continued, now is last the step that you should cancel your travelling. Don't force yourself to travel. Your health is the main thing. Surely you don't want your condition getting worst because you don't concern about your body condition.

I hope these tips could help you. Just remember that preventing is better than medicating. Keep healthy, so we can enjoy our precious travelling time anywhere.

source : m.detik.com/travel/read/2013/08/12/182632/2327917/1048/4-kiat-menghadapi-sakit-saat-traveling

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