Monday, January 9, 2012

Barring avian influenza, Foke Instruct A Thorough Evaluation

Fauzi Bowo

Governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, instruct to Dinas Kesehatan (The Office of Health Services) and Dinas Kelautan dan Pertanian (The Office of Marine and Agriculture) to evaluate thoroughly following the appearance of the killed victims by avian influenza (AI) in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. This is to prevent the spread of AI virus in Jakarta.

Saya sudah minta untuk dievaluasi secara menyeluruh. Kalau memang positif, saya kira lingkungan radius tertentu harus dilakukan pengamanan terhadap hewan dan satwa unggas yang ada disitu

"I've asked to be evaluated thoroughly. If it is positive, I think a certain radius to do environmental safeguards for animal and poultry that exists there," said Foke, Fauzi Bowo's familiar name in city hall, Jakarta, Monday (9/1/2012).

If deemed necessary, he said, the Health Service in conjunction with the Office of Marine and Agriculture can perform sterilization in places that are considered potentially against the spread of AI virus.

Puguh Dwi Yanto (23), the citizens of RT 10 RW 06, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta died and allegedly contracted the AI virus. Whereas during the year 2011, the case of AI was almost never sticking in Jakarta.  "I heard it performed an examination of family and residents who have contact with the deceased," explained Foke.

Previously, Puguh expirienced high fever since the new year's eve celebrations with the temperature reaching 42 degrees celsius. On Monday (2/1/2012), he was taken to the Hospital Satya Negara, Sunter. By doctors, he allegedly suffered a stomach infection.

The following day, Puguh treated at home, but his condition never recovered and even unable to lift his body. On Wednesday, his family took him back to the hospital, and doctors suspect Puguh suffering dengue fever and heart disorders so that Puguh should enter the hospitalization.

On friday, the doctor refers him to Hspital Prof. Dr. Yulianti Saroso, but was rejected because the ICU at the hospital was full of patients. On Saturday, the Satya Negara brought him to RSUD Tangerang (Public Hospital of Tangerang) that also has a special installation of AI. But unfortunately, not yet reached to the place, Puguh exhaled his last breath.

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