Monday, January 9, 2012

No Cheating, Honest from yourself

"I'll stop cheating when i smart, "said Yohanes Dinar Setya Adi (15), student of class XII SMUN 1 Salatiga, Central Java. The response was boisterous laughter greeted by his friends who follow the campaign event "Berani Jujur, Hebat!" (Dare to be honest, that's great!).

Why should wait until it's smart? Dinar answered, he sometimes not so confident with the results of his own work when facing the test subjects. Although he has been learned, when many of his friends began to "share" of each other, he also began to be tempted.

Last December, the campaign "Berani Jujur, Hebat!" which was held on the cooperation of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Transparency International Indonesia (TII), Club Speak (Voice of Youth Anti-corruption), and Musisi Sindikat Penghuni Bumi (Simponi) until in Salatiga. They work closely with Pusat Studi Anti Korupsi /PSAK (Anti-corrupton Study Centre) of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW), Salatiga, initiates that the students dare to be honest.

In the campaign which was attended by about 150 students from the five high schools, youth are challenged to target when they will stop cheating. There are some accept at the time to quit, but some are still think long to quit the bad habit.

Etika Puri (17), students of class XII IPA 1 SMAN 1 Salatiga, admitted, cheating becomes a habit, 'cause it done in mass. "Everybody cheating. So it is normal. If we didn't follow them, we'll feel unconfident," she said.

However, Etika confessed, actually not cheating is no problem. It is proven from some of the subjects with 'killer' teacher, and the students have some difficulty to cheating, he can still get a good point.
The students of class XII of SMAN 3 Salatiga, Pratiwi Nurvita (16), yet others. He realized early on, cheating is not good. Cheating is the Act of being dishonest, that will ultimately be self-defeating.

"After this event, I'd understand if the corruption behavior starting from the habit of cheating. I am sure, if so the option to not join the cheating is right," said the student that always in first position in her class.
Funding Division and Campain Coordinator of ICW, Illian Deta Arta Sari reveal, from the cities that have been passed, such as Brebes, Cirebon and Semarang, average students admitted had been cheating. Rarely, even almost no one, students who profess never cheating.

We want the students can start to remove the seeds of corruption early on, starting with themself, with no cheating like cheating (in the class) or bribe to get Driver's License or ID card (easily), "said Illian.
That habits should begin early, from school, for corruption has now been extended to the school. The mode used is usually through the use of operational grants and school operational grants, procurement and infrastructure, or through the process of accreditation of the school.

Unfortunately, during this time, as anyone who knows the "offense" and try to fight it then had to face the silencing and pressure from various parties. Students or the teacher protest, for example, pressed through the threat of expulsion from school, rated poorly, or removed from the job.

Students were also invited to dare to speak up if they find things that aren't right around them. "Find your compatriots. Corruption cannot be combated alone, it should be fight together. If not, report it. The report is based on the evidence would be very useful. If threatened, the identity of the reporter could be kept in secret, "said Illian.

Head of PSAK UKSW, Salatiga, Yakub Adi Krisanto, also calls on young people, both students and college students, to dare to be critical. Many creative ways that can be used to establish the truth. "If not through protests, young people can now do so by raising support through social networking media, for example," he said.
In that campaign, the host had a chance to remind the students that once upon a time, Salatiga was very famous with faculty and critical students of UKSW against the government of Order Baru era. For example Arief Budiman and George Aditjondro whose finally left the city. 

In an inscription Prasasti Plumpungan, which renders the forerunner of  Salatiga city, also written srir astu swasti prajabhyah (all happy, so saved all folk). Since long ago, the leaders wanted their people to be happy, not suffering with corruption.

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