Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Trusted by People, Economic Conditions Helped SBY

Todung Mulya Lubis

Though from the result from the survey of Lembaga Survei Indonesia / LSI (Indonesia's Survey Agency) painted untrust from the people of Indonesia to the president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, however the parties who want to replace the president in the way still have to be patient.

President Yudhoyono was helped by the economy condition of Indonesia which is still good in macro. Indonesia's economic growth rate that above to the average country in Southeast Asia also helped President Yudhoyono of political shake-up.

Law practitioners Todung Mulya Lubis said, although he no longer trusted by his people in terms of the fight against corruption and the rule of law as reflected from the LSI's survey results, President Yudhoyono wouldn't fall as long as he is able to maintain the economic momentum that in good condition as now.

Tak ada presiden yang jatuh saat ekonomi sedang baik. Saya kira sampai 2014 tak akan ada sesuatu yang sifatnya kejutan. - Todung Mulya Lubis 

"No President who fell down while the economy still in good. I guess until 2014 there's nothing surprising," said Todung in Jakarta, Sunday (8/1/2011).

However, according to Todung, the good economic conditions, relative economic growth that higher than other countries in the region, was not substitutes for government failure in relations with fight against corruption.

So when people assess government performance in the fight against corruption was so bad, according to Todung, that will also influencing to the main party of the government, Partai Demokrat. If President Yudhoyono survived until 2014 and will never persecuted by the impeachment efforts, but the party is believed to be fall down on the upcoming elections in 2014.

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