Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cheap Cataract Lenses, A Solution for Indonesia

Padang - Intraocular lens Made by Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Nepal could be the solution for people with cataracts in Indonesia. It costs only 5 US dollar, ease crackdown blindness due to cataracts. Compare with products of various multinational companies that cost 100 US dollars.

Ophthalmologist from Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Sanduk Ruit, Monday (16/1/2012), said that the problem of blindness due to cataracts that many occur in groups of the poor must be resolved. He argued it is not that hard to do, considering cataract surgery is not something complicated.

Sanduk recently completed free cataract operations that facilitated by  charity institution of Singapore-Indonesia, A New Vision, to 666 sufferers in the Rumah Sakit Tingkat III Dr. Reksodiwiryo, Padang, which was under the management of Regional Health Detachment 01-04-04 Korem 032/Wirabraja. He used a small incision technique and make the operating duration range about only five minutes for each patient.

source : http://regional.kompas.com/read/2012/01/16/23392251/

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