Friday, January 20, 2012

SMS-Based Flood Detector By SMK

Gresik, East Java - Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik, East Java, created a flood detector based on short message service (SMS). The tool that created by Haluri Yudiat Pratama and Ahmad Muhajir, a class XI student of Electrical Engineering Industry with guidance of Hendra Ari Winarno.

The tool was created because the region is often wracked by floods from Bengawan Solo (main river in java). The coordination is often slowly, especially about the information about the height of the water so that the evacuation also slow too.

The detection tool of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik students is equipped with sirens and lights flood marker. Also included a modem and microcontroler.
It will send an SMS to the number that had been programmed befor as the information about water level. When the buoy exposed to water as standy leve, then the tool that automatically sends an SMS match as the height of the water i.e. Standby 1 and so on.

"With this tool is easier to handle the flood information. At the time of Standby, the siren and lights will also turned on," said Haluri.

According to Hendra, the supervising teacher, a set the tools that cost about Rp 1 million. Plus the cost of production of about Rp 2 million. "If calculated is cheaper," says Hendra.

The headmaster of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik, Imam Syafii explained, the tool's production will be made more for flood-prone areas. In Gresik will be installed in the flow of Bengawan Solo and Kali Lamong that frequently overflowing. "We will patent this tool," said Imam.

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