Friday, January 20, 2012

UI Not Yet Willing To Respond The Audit Results of BPK

Jakarta - A spokesman for the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Devie Rahmawati said it has yet to get a report on the findings and results of the audits that done by Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan /KPK (Financial Examiner Agency) regarding to the management of the university. The findings show the existence of a loss potential of the country worth Rp 45 billion in the UI management in Depok, West Java.

However, Devie denied the findings of BPK that Devie stated there are allegations of abuses related to the transfers of land belonging to the UI (PGT dorm) at Pegangsaan Timur, Central Jakarta, with PT NLL, which was carried out without the approval of the Kementerian Keuangan/Kemkeu (Ministry of Monetery). She says, UI will prompt the BPK report and will provide an explanation regarding the findings.
"We haven't receive that report yet. About it please check to the Kemkeu," said Devie, Friday (20/1/2012), in Jakarta.

Separately,  Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan/Dirjen Dikti Kemdikbud (The Director General of Universiy Education of the Education Ministry and Culture), Djoko Santoso argues, BPK is indeed already deliver that what became the findings in UI. However, it should not see the results of the audit by one side.
"The findings of the CPC is not necessarily the existing abuses. It could by any problem of administration that have yet to be resolved by UI," said Djoko.

He also stated, the issue has always been the findings is administration, because it is not accordance with existing provisions. There are also findings of assets in university. It's became a problem because the asset is used by others is still that the status still owned by the state, within the responsibilityy of government dependents or still in use by the community.

As reported, BPK discovers the existence of a potential state's loss of Rp 45 billion in the management of UI in Depok, West Java. It is known after an audit done.

Member of the BPK, Rizal Jalil, said, the potential loss of state occurs in two cases. First, cooperation agreements related to the transfers of land belonging to UI (PGT dorm) at Pegangsaan Timur, Central Jakarta, with PT NLL. Cooperation, Rizal said, without acknowledgement and written consent of the Menkeu. The project was judged potentially detrimental to the state of up to Rp 41 billion.

BPK suspected, Rector of UI performs the same work, unbeknownst to approval of the Menkeu as the officials appointed to manage the assets of the country. It conflicts with constitutions, PP No. 6/2006 and No 38/2008 abour the assets of the country.

Second, the Rector of UI is not closely in the implementation of the valued collaboration with JICA (Japan) to build Rumah Sakit Pendidikan UI/ RSP UI. Construction of RSP is late so the country must pay overdue penalty amounting to 38.508.859 yen or about Rp. 4 billion. 

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