Monday, January 16, 2012

Jabiru, The Boast

Jakarta - The students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 29 Penerbangan/ SMK 29 Penerbangan Jakarta  (Technical Flight Highschool 29) for years only helped assemble the aircraft belonged to the club in Pondok Cabe Airport through the internship program. Today, students of SMK 29 Flights School could assemble his own light experimental aircraft, named Jabiru J430.

Although almost all material imported from Australia, assisted students with instructors also perform a number of engineering technology. The wings and the nose, for example, modified to overcome air resistance so that aircraft can ride on 130 knots or approximately 240 kilometres per hour. The aircraft that weighed 340 pounds, can fly seven hours as far as 1,600 kilometers or equivalent to Jakarta-Bali.

Similarly, the fuel does not need to be modified to use usual, jsut simply use pertamax gasoline.

However, this 3300 cc-engined planes made of composite is indirect at once. The Assembly of the aircraft is done gradually.

Originally, the challenge to assemble the aircraft came from the Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional (Ministry of Education) when held an exhibition Lomba Keterampilan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan tahun 2008 (skills contest of vocational high school students) in 2008 in Makassar, South Sulawesi. At that time the Government has a National Assembly of the aircraft program.

Before assembling the Jabiru J430, SMK 29 ever build a plane with pipeline that now became a monument infront of the school yard. The experience subsequently acquired via internship program helps two aircraft Assembly seat in Pondok Cabe Airport. Two-seat aircraft are assembled in 2007 it was given the name Jabiru J230.

The assembly of the aircraft with a length of 6.5 meters and width 9.6 meter wingspan that involves 200 students of class X-XII  Airframe Power Plane Departement(body, chassis, and aircraft engines) and Electrical Avionics (electrical, electronics, systems and aircraft instruments) in a closed garage near the backyard hangar of the school.

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