Saturday, January 7, 2012

Katrina Storm in Jakarta just a Hoax

Information on the Katrina storm arrival will be in Jakarta and surrounding are like scattered through BlackBerry Messanger (BBM) is a hoax news. The news was informed before in chained message by Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika / BMKG (Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency).

"I reiterate that the information (of Katrina storm) is not true. We never predict about it, "said the chief of BMKG Sri Woro B Harijono when confirmed by in Jakarta, Saturday (7/1/2012).

He explained, the rainfall in Jakarta and surrounding areas throughout January to March later are indeed very high. However, according to him, based on the monitoring of BMKG, wind level forces in Jakarta and surrounding areas are still low, i.e. under 60 miles per hour.

"It might say the storm, if it's above 60 miles per hour. Then, can reach 120 km per hour, more than that level can be named tropical storm. But, so far the level of the wind is still low in Jakarta and surrounding areas. So the information form BBM is not true, "he explained.

However, Sri Woro still appealed to Jakarta and its surrounding communities remain always vigilant against this condition. He said the public should always beware towards the end of January to early February because of the precipitation is expected to be higher than last year.

"So, we ask to all community always take your raincoat and umbrella if you going out. Then don't stand too close to the trees or billboards to avoid unwanted things happen, "advice him.
On this morning, the fake news spread out through BBM that this night predicted about the storm fo Katrina that will be attack Jakarta and surrounding areas.

The sub-head of public information BMKG Hary Tirto Djatmiko on Monday (2/1/2012), issued an early warning to aware the hard rain accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds in some areas including Jakarta, this week.

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