Monday, February 20, 2012

Bono, World Class River Surfing

Surfing usually do in seas, but Kampar River in Riau is famous in the world by surfers as the place for surfing. Local residents call the surf in there as Bono. Foreign surfers whose
participated also call it "Bono".

"Bono has known for. And, already scheduled by the Association of the world's top surfers, when the waves of Bono. This is one of the outstanding destinations product,"says Secretary General of Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi (Tourism Destinations Development of Tourism and Economy Ministry, Kreatif Achyaruddin recently in Jakarta.

He mentioned on the basis of the research world, Bono regarded as the best surfing on the River in the world. It is based on the size and the length of the waves. It's just that, he admitted to the facility and access is still limited. The place itself, he continued, initially promoted by foreign surfers who tried to Bono surfing.

"Special boats and jetski already exists, but is still very limited. So for tourist arrivals are still difficult. Indonesia surfers also already coming and try Bono surfing," he explained.

Previously, Achyaruddin explains in Kampar River, 21 waves can occur simultaneously. So if the peak of Bono, 21 surfers can surf together.

Peak of Bono or the most high wave, predictable according full moon or qomariyah dates calendar.
"So instead of using the calendar. Later can be known when big bono, little gono, dead or no wave at all, and the biggest bono is during the full moon," he said.

During the peak of Bono, he continued, the height of the waves can reach three meters. Although when the Bono wave is little, surfers can still just surfing.

Achyaruddin reveals, he  already knowing the existence of Bono for long ago. He just did not think that can do surfing on the River. During this time, he thought surfing is just in the sea.

He added although no hotels and restaurants, foreign surfers just arrive there. Moreover, he said, some surfers in the world such as from France there is already selling Bono surf package.

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