Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Visiting The House's Deer, Which its Cost Reached Rp. 598 Million

Jakarta - A hundred spotted deers fills Taman Rusa DPR (Deer Park of The House) which is located on the right side of the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (The House) Republik Indonesia area, Senayan. They appear to be fed grass, sweet, and carrots.
A hundred deer were borne in the park that surrounded by a 1 Km trail. This footpath that used the tourists who want to have a look at the deer.

The deer park is equipped with two water pond which each length 5 m, also the shady trees. Around the deer park also facilited basketball court, futsal field and massage reflexology in the sidewalk.

The spotted deer is varied. There are some as big as adult dogs, up high enough. Their horn shape is unique too. They're kind of timid deer. They move running around when someone approaches. Therefore, they prefer to hide among the shrubs and small trees that are intentionally planted within 10 metres.

Most of the deer seem to sleep under a shady tree. And some of them enjoyed the grass that grown in the garden.

Deer is maintained by about 10 men attendant. Everyday they put on a uniform coloured white-orange or white-green. They lived in a small house in the upper right corner of the deer park.

"Usually they are fed twice a day. Its most grasses, sweet potato, carrots, water spinach and other greens," said one of the clerk as reported detikcom.

Projects in The House not only related with physical development. There is another project that turned out to be not unknown for many people. The project is the feeding of deer that have been placed around the building.

Funds allocated to feeding the deer reached Rp 598 million. This project will probably not be invited controversy if the existence of the deer known clelarly, but the reality in the field is not as imagined.

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