Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indonesia Tourism No 3 in Asia

Indonesia ranked third, most favorite categories of tourism visits in Asia or Go Asia Award  2012 of in International Tourism Exchange (the Internationale
Tourismus Borse/ITB), 7-11 March 2012 in Messegelande, Berlin. The first and second positions occupied by Thailand and Singapore.

Minister of Tourism and Crative Economy, Mari Elka Pangestu welcomes positively the Indonesia's achievement in the ITB Berlin this year. She said, this momentum should be maintained so the target should continue to 8 million foreign tourists to visit Indonesia can be achieved.

"ITB Berlin is the right platform to make promotion of Indonesia tourism. From the results achieved this year, we will conduct the evaluation first before determining the promotional strategy for next year. Competition between countries and destinations tourism right now is getting tight so we have to be more careful and focused on promoting the competitive advantages of Indonesia," said Mari from Berlin, Tuesday (13/3/2012).

Next year, she explained, Indonesia will be the Official Partner Country ITB Berlin. "In order to the results achieved are more optimal, preparations will be made from now on," added Mari.

source : http://travel.kompas.com/read/2012/03/13/17160613/

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